Monday, February 4, 2019

Intro Class

India Timeline
1947 – Independence
1950 – Constitution of India
1954 – Panchsheel Agreement
1955 – Bandung Conference
1956 – Establishment of NAM
1962 – India China War
1965 – India Pakistan War
1970 – Indo-Soviet friendship treaty
1971 – Bangladesh War
1974 – Peaceful Nuclear Explosion
1979 – Border skirmish
1989 – Rajiv Gandhi’s visit to China
1991 – Economic liberalization
1994 – Uruguay Round (WTO)
1998 – Nuclear tests
2000s – Economic growth
2008 – Economic Crisis
2014 – Election of Prime Minister Modi
2019 - …

China Timeline
1945 – End of WW2
1949 – Establishment of PRC
1950 – India’s recognition of China on April 1, 1950
1950-53 – Korean War and India’s role
1959 – Tibetan uprising. Dalai Lama fleeing to India
1962 – India China War
1964 – 1st Chinese Nuclear Test
1968 – Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (China acceded in 1992)
1969 – Sino Soviet border conflict
1971 – Ping pong diplomacy with the US and China reinstated in the Security Council.
1989 – Tiananmen square incident
1999 – Belgrade Embassy Bombing
2000 – China joins WTO and normalizes trade relations
Mid- 2000s  - China and its role in North Korean six party talks
2010 – China becomes World’s Second Largest Economy
2012 – Ascension of President Xi Jinping
2014-15 – Climate talks stepped up ahead of Paris Climate Change Accord
2015 – South China Sea issue flares up
2018 – Trump tariffs against China

Topic 1 Class Questions
·      What are the important events in International Relations?
·      In your opinion, when does the history of IR start?
·      Who are the major actors in IR?
·      What are the major problems facing the international community today?

·      What is Cold War? What are the dynamics underlying CW?

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